Our Updated Online Store is Coming Soon!
We have temporarily taken our store offline in order to improve its accessibility and functionality. Please direct any inquiries regarding in-stock items for local purchase or mail order through any of the following channels:
T: (709) 753-8135 / E: info@obriens.ca / Facebook Message
At O'Brien's Music you'll find the best selection of Newfoundland music and the instruments to make it!
Newfoundland Music



Books & Sheet Music

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Pre-Owned Gear

We live for this.
In 1939 when Roy O’Brien opened the doors of O’Brien’s Music at 278 Water Street in downtown St. John’s, Newfoundland was still its own country.
Roy and his wife Nellie waved their national pride high, and made O’Brien’s one of the first retailers and promoters of Newfoundland and Irish music. Newfoundland joined Canada in 1949 and the store quickly became the biggest seller of accordions in the country. Roy and Nellie raised six children in their home above the store, which had become a magnet for music lovers.
“I really want to carry on the tradition of O’Brien’s Music and make it very much the same type of place that my grandfather started.”
- Dave Rowe -
We want to hear from you.
Looking for something specific? We probably have it and if we don’t we’ll help in any way we can to direct you to find it.
We ship anywhere and take orders over the phone. Let us know how we can help.

Stop in!
Thanks for poking around our website. We realize not everyone is lucky enough to call St. John’s home. But we do look forward to seeing your face, so if you are in town for any reason, pop by and say ‘hi’.
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